week 6

Q: This week you learnt about the importance of the processes used in the design of an information system’s output and user interface design. Describe any connections you can make between the output and user interface design topics you covered this week and your experience with any of CQU’s information systems (e.g. e.rolment, MyCQU, e-courses/Blackboard, Webfuse – the system that hosts this course website, OASIS – the system you use to submit assignments 1 and 2 for this course, and any others).


During the interface design process, I strongly believe all the possible inputs and outputs should be considered and addressed. Also the output medium will impact on the interface design mostly, for example if the system is trying to display the output in internet then the interface should be web pages. “Output” can be defined as give the information to the user what he/she is looking for or need to have/know, but the “Interface” is provide that output to the user in a way he / she can receive it properly. Most of the Information Systems fail because of their poor user friendliness or in other words inappropriate interface designs. If the interfaces are not designed in a way that they can give proper output to the user, it is worthless. Some of our CQU information systems interfaces are designed to give information to the users, without considering the user friendliness/ attractiveness. For example, if a student has to submit an assignment online, rather than he/she is expected to remember the address of the Webfuse or check his/her email or course profile, it could be designed as a direct link from the main CQU webpage, it will reduce the time one spend to submit an assignment.

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